"On the whole, I do not find Christians, outside of the catacombs, sufficiently sensible of conditions. Does anyone have the foggiest idea what sort of power we so blithely invoke? Or, as I suspect, does not one believe a word of it? The churches are children playing on the floor with their chemistry sets, making up a batch of TNT to kill a Sunday morning. It is madness to wear ladies hats and straw hats and velvet hats to church; we should all be wearing crash helmets. Ushers should issue life preservers and signal flares; they should lash us to our pews. For the sleeping god may wake someday and take offense, or the waking god may draw us out to where we can never return." - Annie Dillard, Teaching a Stone to Talk

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Many people that know me know that I am not too fond of feet. If you lovingly tease me about giving me a foot massage or playfully stick your foot in my face, I will respond-in a negative way. The truth is that most feet are not very attractive, unless kept properly cared for with nails trimmed, calluses removed, and, if you are a woman, with a nice coat of toe polish topped off on them for good measure.

The other day, I was shocked to discover, as I was staring at my own feet that are in much dire need of a pedicure, that they looked similar to other feet that I have seen recently-my mother's. I have my mom's feet! From the wide shape making it difficult to find cute and trendy sandals to the toenails, I realized that my feet were not my own, but, rather a product of genetics passed down from my mother's side of the family. If my feet were my mother's, in what others ways was I becoming like my mother?

As I looked at my body, I realized that I had my mother's wide, child-bearing hips, thick calves, and sturdy build. I believe that my family was made for hard, manual labor, out in the farming fields of Arkansas and Oklahoma. I am also seeing red skin tags begin to appear on my arms and neck…can I endearing call them red freckles? I also have my mother's beautifully smooth skin. From my Aunts to my Grandmother who is 90 years old, the women in our family possess clear, strong features and relatively wrinkle-free skin. I faithfully cherish this skin with sun-block but I don't think I will ever have the great skin that my mom has.

Aside from these physical characteristics, there are many other qualities that my mother has unwittingly passed down to me. For instance, when a party happens at my house, I spend the majority of it in the kitchen, making sure that the food is out on time, that everyone has what they need as far as food and drink are concerned, that dishes are being cleaned up and messes are being cleared, etc. My satisfaction during a party is when I hear the people around me laughing and connecting…the sound of this fellowship surrounds me and brings a comforting feeling to my spirit. My greatest joy is found in serving my friends and family and that is exactly what my mother is like. Her love is shown through acts of service, mostly occurring in the background, ensuring that the person she is helping is successful.

When I decorate for an event or for a home, it is my mother's creativity that works through me. I recently decorated my bedroom and my mother and I worked in tandem to make the room inviting, cozy, and luxurious. My mother decorated both of my childhood homes with style and grace. I remember her and my father working on plans to landscape the front and back yards, as well as the interior of the home. I believe that we had one of the best homes on the block.

Finally, I have always been an avid reader. One of my favorite childhood memories was watching my mom escape into the world of books to experience a few minutes of rest amid the clamoring environment of needy children. I can spend HOURS reading a book, leaving the dreary reality of life to enter into different worlds filled with adventure, romance, mystery, and excitement. I tell people today that part of my poor eyesight is the result of spending countless hours reading under poor lighting conditions (usually by the flickering light of an old flashlight) before bed. Without witnessing the love that my mother had for books, I wouldn't have survived undergraduate and graduate school, with its countless hours of study and reading.

Therefore, when you see my reading, serving, or decorating, thank my mother as these are the qualities that she has given to me. Toes that have stood for hours helping others, toes that were used for standing in the back of the line so that her children could have the best, and feet that bend down to pick up babies, and create beautiful spaces…these are the kind of feet I want to have! I am fond of these toes, MOM!